Dancing with the demons: Bobby’s tale of addiction and redemption

13 October 2023
Team MyndStories Written by Team MyndStories
Team MyndStories

Team MyndStories

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Do you remember the first time you took a sip or a bite of something delicious? Roasted peanuts. Chocolates. Coca Cola. Red Bull. 

You felt like reaching out for another handful, another piece, another bottle. And you might have even said, “this is so addictive!”

When it comes to alcohol or drugs, it can become a serious, life-impairing reality. As it happened with Bobby Menonn.

This episode of “Dear Mynd,” dives into the poignant narrative, “Dancing with the Shadows,” chronicling Bobby’s harrowing journey of drug addiction as a 15-year-old. Bobby’s gripping account traces his journey from its seemingly innocuous beginnings to the self-destructive nature of an addict. He ends his story by showing the transformative power of love and acceptance, which were the keys to his painful but firm recovery. 

How it all began

Dancing with the demons: Bobby's tale of addiction and redemption

“Ah, one drag will not kill you.” 

“Just a sip, nothing’s going to happen”

We often hear these statements. We might have voiced one in the company of our friends, as we sat floating on the flimsy camaraderie that surrounds a night of revelry. 

One of the most chilling aspects of addiction is how it often begins with what seems like harmless experimentation. Bobby’s story vividly illustrates this as he takes us through the initial stages of his descent into addiction. 

Curiosity. Peer pressure. Rebelliousness. They all form a potent cocktail that results in false confidence. Portraying swag is important and Bobby did that with the help of drugs.

The hold of drugs

Dancing with the demons: Bobby's tale of addiction and redemption

Bobby got into a vicious cycle, as the drugs took control of him in their vice-like grip leading to a never-ending loop of cravings, highs, and devastating lows. The relentless pursuit of that initial euphoria became an all-consuming force, and Bobby provides a stark depiction of the powerlessness that comes with addiction.

Love and acceptance can work miracles

Bobby’s turning point came soon, and with that the potential for recovery and redemption. The love and acceptance he received set into motion the process of healing. 

Bobby’s story shows that addiction is tough but can be overcome with the presence of a caring and compassionate support system. 

From darkness to light

Bobby has come a long way since then. After a long hiatus from various career pursuits, Bobby embarked on a personal journey of self-discovery. He shares that experience has stripped away expectations, and he now lives a life driven by a newfound sense of purpose. Today, Bobby lives a life driven by a sense of purpose. He likes cooking, gardening, writing, traveling, and forging new connections, things he feared to do 40 years ago.

Bobby Menonn’s story, “Dancing with the Shadows,” won the third spot in the Write Away contest organized by MyndStories. 

In the end, the resilience of the human spirit stands tall and Bobby reminds us of this through his powerful narrative.

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