Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs

Well, we are an integrated content platform for mental health, with content that addresses Indian concerns with an Indian context. You can find out about us here. We are building a network of resources to empower you to make better decisions for your health and well-being. We ain’t perfect. Far from it. But we are trying. Just like we all are.

Not yet. We are thinking of it, and we know how important an app would be. If haven’t already, please sign up for our newsletter, and we will let you know when our app is live!

If this is an emergency, please reach out to a helpline. You can try Parivarthan Counselling Helpline (PCH) on +917676602602 or Mann Talks on +918686139139.

If you don’t feel like you are in immediate danger, but need guidance, please reach out to your therapist.

Podcast FAQs

We are happy you asked! You can find The MyndStories Podcast on all these platforms:

Yes! Please feel free to write to us at with a brief bio of the guest and why you think we should feature them.

Writing FAQs

You can find a detailed answer to that on this page. We look forward to submissions and pitches throughout the year.

Well, yes! Some writers write to us as professionals and experts in their field and we value those insights. But not all of them ask us for payment for contributing those insights.