Welcome to MyndStories! We are excited to collaborate with talented writers to create insightful and impactful content on mental health and wellness. To ensure a smooth and efficient publication process, please review and adhere to the following submission guidelines:
1. Submission process
– Article Submission: Writers are required to submit their complete articles through email.
– Acknowledgment: Upon submission, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt. Please note that this does not guarantee acceptance.
2. Editorial review
– Initial Review: Our Editorial team will review all submissions for relevance, quality, and adherence to our editorial guidelines.
– Queue Placement: Accepted submissions will be placed in the editorial queue. We prioritize articles based on various factors, including relevance and current editorial needs.
3. Editorial feedback & revisions
– Editing Process: An assigned Editor will review your submission and may suggest changes for clarity, style, or content.
– Revision Requests: If changes are required, the Editor will return the article to you for revisions. Please make the requested changes promptly and resubmit.
– Approval for Review: Once the Editor is satisfied with the article, it will be forwarded to a Reviewer for final review.
4. Review process
– Reviewer Assessment: The Reviewer will evaluate the article for accuracy, tone, and overall fit with MyndStories’ standards.
– Final Revisions: If the Reviewer requires further changes, the article will be returned to you. Kindly address all comments and resubmit promptly.
– Final Approval: After the Reviewer approves the final version, the article will be prepared for publication.
5. Publication timeline
– Processing Time: The editorial process may take up to three-four weeks from the date of submission. We request writers to refrain from querying the status of their submissions within this period.
– Query Policy: Inquiries about the status of submissions should only be made if you have not heard from us after three weeks. Please understand that querying will not expedite the process. MyndStories will not respond to queries before the 3-4 week period.
6. Standard guidelines
– Originality: All submissions must be original, unpublished work. We do not accept articles that have been published elsewhere.
– Word Count: Please adhere to the word count specified in the assignment or pitch acceptance.
– Formatting: Submissions should be in a Word document, using Arial, 11-point font, and double-spaced. Include proper citations for all sources.
– Confidentiality: All communications and submissions are confidential. Please do not share your article or our editorial correspondence without permission.
7. Rights and compensation
– Rights: By submitting your work, you grant MyndStories the right to publish your article on our platform and promote it through our channels. We reserve the right to make necessary edits.
– Compensation: Payment terms and rates will be discussed upon acceptance of your pitch or article.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding of our editorial process. Our goal is to maintain the highest quality of content for our readers, and your adherence to these guidelines helps us achieve that.
Thank you for contributing to MyndStories!