Connect and let it out – A sharing circle for all

Support group
Free Registration Closed

Attend a session

August 24, 2024

9:30 pm to 11:30 pm IST

Vent out what’s pent up.

Throw it out of your system.

Stress, personal issues or life transitioning from the little rollercoaster it is to a freaking giant wheel, say it out loud. Or whisper. But talk.


Because we all need a safe space to let our minds run free and surrender. Our bodies aren’t designed to function under loads of frustration and stress.

So here’s something that The 3AM Couch, is bringing for you. A sharing circle facilitated by our lead psychologist Aditi Bajpai. She will help us regulate the space in its emotional capacity and ensure in creating a safe space for open dialogue.

Connect and let it all out – A sharing space for all facilitated by our lead psychologist Aditi Bajpai. She will help us regulate the space in its emotional capacity and ensure in creating a safe space for open dialogue.

Let’s experience this shared space and reclaim our peace of mind, one rant at a time.

Will you be there?

PS: We have a surprise for you at the end. You take back a little something

Know your facilitator

Aditi Bajpai is the founder of the 3AM Couch and is a psychologist. She holds 2 Masters degrees – one in Anthropology and another in Clinical Psychology. She enjoys interdisciplinary research and writing, exploring the intersections of psychology, anthropology, and philosophy to gain deeper insights into our collective human story.


– Where are we meeting? Google Meet
– Who is this for? – anybody in the age range 18-40
– How much do I pay? – It’s free!
