Ninety percent of young employees have high anxiety, says new report

27 January 2025
Team MyndStories Written by Team MyndStories
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by Madan Thapa
Madan Thapa

Madan Thapa

Madan S Thapa is a healthcare consultant and also a seasoned pharma editor, with over 10+ years...

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A new State of Emotional Well-Being Report 2024, released by the counseling helpline 1to1help, finds that more than 90% of employees under 25 experience significant anxiety.

Ninety percent of young employees have high anxiety, says new report
Image courtesy: The State of Emotional Well-being Report

Sixty-seven percent of those aged over 45 reported similar anxiety symptoms and 23% of those seeking support wanted to work on difficult work relationships.

“Seventy percent of financial consultations were taken by men, 60% of relationship counselling sessions were taken by women. Men often exhibit stress from financial pressure and seek support. Meanwhile, women in their multiple roles as caregivers and professionals often disproportionately deal with the emotional labour that comes with holding these roles,” the report says.

Hearteningly, there’s a 7% jump in men seeking counseling compared to 2023.

However, it is concerning that suicide risk among individuals rose to 22% in 2024 compared to 17% the previous year. An important observation the report made was that dependents were often seen to be more at risk compared to employees themselves.

Ninety percent of young employees have high anxiety, says new report
Image courtesy: The State of Emotional Well-being Report

Fifty-nine percent of individuals referred by their managers displayed some signs of suicidal risk.

This data speaks volumes. It shows that many of us need support and it’s encouraging to see that individuals are seeking that support.

Ninety percent of young employees have high anxiety, says new report
Image courtesy: The State of Emotional Well-being Report

“A goal-focused approach to counselling can help employees prioritize, observe progress, improve self-efficacy, and be equipped with coping strategies that improve their resilience long term,” the report concludes.

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