Geetika Arora Bhojak || Harnessing the power of mindfulness for a more fulfilled life

Geetika Arora Bhojak || Harnessing the power of mindfulness for a more fulfilled life
Hosted by Ankit Narasimhan
 Ankit Narasimhan

Ankit Narasimhan

Ankit Narasimhan is a software engineer by day and a stellar podcast host by night. In his spare...

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| 23 March 2023

Meditation. Breathwork. Mindfulness. These are spoken about so often, to a point where it has become cliched. But it is cliched for a reason that needs to be unpacked. Why is it spoken of so much? Why does it lead to an enhanced emotional well being? What is the science behind this? We dive deep into all of these questions and understand how powerful mindfulness based tools really are.

We discuss

  1. Geetika’s journey
  2. What leading a mindful life entails
  3. The science behind mindfulness
  4. Why it is so hard to practice mindfulness consistently
  5. How mindfulness can help reduce the need for constant stimulation or instant gratification
  6. What is mindfulness based cognitive therapy?
  7. The work Geetika is doing with her foundation

Geetika’s bio

Geetika Arora is the first certified Mindfulness based cognitive therapy for life coach in India from the Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, University of Oxford and holds a Masters in Education from the University of Bristol, UK. With over 20 years of wellness experience in the global corporate world, Geetika is a workplace health and well-being leader and is currently working with Accenture. She is a thought leader and an eminent voice in the space of corporate well-being and has facilitated Mindfulness programs for clients in the UK, US and APAC region.

Connect with Geetika



How has mindfulness impacted your life? Write in and tell us your story –



*Disclaimer – The content in this podcast is only for educational purposes. It cannot be considered as individual therapy advice or counseling and is not to be taken as medical or mental health advice.